
Ministers For You

Every mountain top is within reach if you just keep climbing

Children’s Ministry

The mission here at Redemption Church Children’s Ministry is to provide every child within our reach the opportunity to know Christ and to be established in His Word, and to come alongside the parents and family in equipping them to raise their children in the Word of God.

Youth Ministry

At Redemption Church we want to work with parents to help youth have a passionate relationship with Jesus as they mature into young men and women.  We seek to provide fun, relevant, and thoroughly Biblically based instruction and activities to help youth have a sense of strong community and identity in Jesus Christ.

Community Groups

Here at Redemption Church we believe that authentic community is essential for every follower of Jesus. The backbone of our discipleship ministry is our Community Groups Ministry. We have groups that meet throughout the city and on different nights during the week. Let us help you find a community that works for you and your family.

Church Planting

We partner with the North American Mission Board, the Nevada Baptist Convention, and the Southern Nevada Baptist Association in the area of North America Church Planting. We value church plating and will continue to be a part of multiplying churches throughout Las Vegas and the United States.

Missions Ministry

Jesus gave us a commission that is to impact all people groups throughout the world. To accomplish this, we work with partners throughout the world. International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Mekong Evangelical Mission, and Many other organizations that cannot be named due to security reasons

Polish Ministry

Zapraszamy na cykliczne dyskusyjne spotkania na temat Biblii oraz wspólne czytanie Biblii po polsku. Po więcej informacji zapraszamy do kontaktu.

Join us for Bible study and talks about God in Polish. For more information email or call us at 702-903-0263

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